Thursday 13 November 2008

'Arty Facts' - art inspired by science.

I bought a few of these books a few months ago after some research, having not seen them first. They are wonderful and unusual and we've done many projects from them.

Each book consists of double-spreads on different topics. The left hand page is full of information and really beautiful photos. The right hand side is an art project to reinforce the topic. For example, in the 'Light and Colour' book, the first few topics and activities are:- sunshine/golden sundial; silvery shades/flashing fish; reflections/mirror ball.

The beauty of these books is that the project always turns out individual and is still educational; when we were doing the brain in the 'body' book, dd drew a hugely detailed 'brain city'. It really made her think about the functions of the brain and how they relate to each other.

One of these books would work well as a term's change from a more formal science programme, at 1 to 2 hours a week. Multi age - no problem!

10/10 - give them a look!

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