Sunday 7 December 2008

'Caddie Woodlawn' - the verdict is...

Caddie Woodlawn

... a bit dull. It's hard to pin down why, but L and I have been manfully reading through it now for weeks, never quite finding the time for it, which certainly can't be said for the Little House books.

There are huge similarities with LHITBW; Caddie Woodlawn grows up in Wisconsin in the 1860s; Laura Ingalls Wilder in Wisconsin in the 1880s.

There are two things that really make this a 'won't bother again' book. Firstly, there's not the struggle against harsh conditions that makes LHITBW so riveting; the Woodlawns have done well for themselves, so the things that happen to them are somehow less exciting; maybe as well I didn't like Caddie as much as Laura. The book is also less spiritually uplifting. Although the Little House books I've read aren't particularly explicit about religion, the family acts in a 'Christian' way. This book just doesn't have that spiritual warmth, and it's therefore a less appealing book.

6/10 - OK

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