Tuesday 9 December 2008

Ten things for a tough homeschooling day

1. Prayer for patience. I go back to John Abbott's 'The Mother at Home': the godly, patient mother he depicts is often very far from where I'm at.

2. Telling myself: 'We are going to learn one thing today and that is...' It's amazing how much you can learn that way.

3. Getting the books out the night before; having the paperwork and marking up to date; pencils pre-sharpened. So obvious, and yet...

4. Something for the toddler at the table. Current faves are:
Playdough (but 10 minute limit until he eats it)
Cars/lego/happyland on the table.
Stuff he shouldn't have

5. Knowing what time in the day is set aside for the toddler. Otherwise: guilty mummy, screaming toddler.

6. Great books to refresh us all. I get quite fixated on our next/current history project, when there are so many wonderful stories out there. See my booklists. No wonder Sonlighters look happy!

7. Kitchen timer. On slow days, this is invaluable! Time is taken off fun stuff later if the task in hand isn't done by the bleeps.

8. Some mummy time to look forward to. When will my quiet time be? Even the evening online Tesco order is relaxing in comparison with the occasional 5pm-7pm 'arsenic hours'.

9. Some social contact for children and/or me.

10. Quality time with dh, not just talking school.

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